Answer: Select the item you want to edit from the tree. Edit the values and move on to the next item or save. 2)What about the flying and Health? Answer: I haven't put in the flying turret yet. I forgot the enum as there are lots... I'll get it in the next version though :smile:. Health is stored in the save, so I should be able to find that and I'm going to see if it can be edited above the maximum like what we did in GTA IV. 3)I thought there was security on the saves? Answer: There is. 4)I heard Modio made a mod tool for Resident Evil 5? Answer: They have no such thing. What their "mod tool" does is overwrite your save with another save found around the internet. 5)I found a bug what do I do? Answer: In the about box there is a link to the thread for reporting bugs. I'm sure there's something in there and remember this is a beta.